// $Id: thickbox_auto.js,v 2008/09/23 08:04:46 frjo Exp $ /** * ATTENTION: this script has to be loaded _before_ thickbox.js * Contributed by user kleingeist. */ Drupal.behaviors.initThickboxAuto = function(context) { // 1. "mark" the category overview pictures. $("ul.galleries a > img.image.image-thumbnail").parent().addClass("category"); // 2. Group the images in specific contexts, // find all the nodes, $(".node .content").each(function(i) { var group = "node-g" + i; TB_drupal_rewrite(this, group); }); // find the categories. $("ul.images").each(function(i) { var group = "gallery-g" + i; TB_drupal_rewrite(this, group); }); // 3. Rewrite the remaining images without grouping. TB_drupal_rewrite(document, null); } function TB_drupal_rewrite(context, group) { // Process only images, that have not been rewritten (.thickbox) and that are not categories. $("a > img.image.image-thumbnail", context).parent().not(".thickbox").not(".category").each(function(i) { var img = $(this).children("img"); var title = $(this).attr("title") || img.attr("title") || img.attr("alt") || null; var settings = Drupal.settings.thickbox; /** * ATTENTION: Until the derivate Bug (http://drupal.org/node/125610) is fixed, * the script should allways use the original picture ("true || "). */ if (settings.derivative == "_original") { var href = img.attr("src").replace(".thumbnail", ""); } else { var href = img.attr("src").replace(".thumbnail", "." + settings.derivative); } // Finally rewrite the link and wait for thickbox.js to apply the effects. $(this).attr({href: href, title: title, rel: group}); $(this).addClass("thickbox"); }); }